Re: WWW Servers Bandwidth flood on Internet

der Mouse (mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU)
Wed, 18 Jan 1995 14:30:26 -0500

>> Dec 28 11:53:06 cray ftpd[2730]: PASV  <==Badly configured client!!!
>> Dec 28 11:53:06 cray ftpd[2730]: FTP session closed

> This is a different bug altogether.  If you do a "PASV" followed by a
> quit, ftpd keeps haning in QUIT.  This is true for all ftpds I know
> off.

Doesn't happen with my ftpd:

	[Thunder] 8> telnet collatz ftp
	Trying ...
	Connected to collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU.
	Escape character is '^]'.
	220-MouseMUF FTP server ready.
	220-This is an experimental FTP server.
	220-Please send problem reports to
	220-If you have trouble like:
	220-    ftp> ls -CF
	220-    200 Port OK.
	220-    150 Opening data connection for names "-CF"
	220-    226-"-CF": No such file or directory
	220-    226 Closing data connection.
	220-then see HELP LIST and HELP NLST for how to prevent them from
	220-quoting arguments beginning with - signs.  (You may need to type
	220-something like "quote help nlst".)
	220-This server can automatically (un)compress, g(un)zip, and btoa
	220 files, and tar directories.  See HELP EXT for details.
	USER anonymous
	331 Anonymous login OK, send email address as password.
	230 Anonymous login OK.
	227 PASV port is 132,206,78,1,16,117 (port 4213).
	221 Goodbye.
	Connection closed by foreign host.
	[Thunder] 9> 

...and a check on collatz showed that the process for that connection
had correctly disappeared.

So there. :-)

					der Mouse